Decimals: Multiplication and Division
Use this fine packet of decimal worksheets to help your charges study directions and work through examples for how to solve multiplication and division problems using decimals. They complete a total of 91 problems showing all if their work.
Ratios and Rates
Here is a ratios, rates, and proportions worksheet which invites learners to solve word problems dealing with ratios, rates, and proportions. They complete 26 problems total.
Signed Numbers/Integers Worksheets
In this positive and negative numbers worksheet, students compute the values indicated using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, with answer keys included.
Time Goes By!
In this time worksheet, students complete problems about time including addition and subtraction, word problems, fill in the blanks, elapsed time, and more. Students complete 64 problems total.
Adding and Subtracting Decimals
For this adding and subtracting decimals instructional activity, students add and subtract numbers with decimals in word problems. Students complete 12 word problems.
Just Measure It
In this line segments and angles instructional activity, students solve problem solving problems and multiple choice questions about line segments and angles. Students complete 7 pages of problems.
For this percentages worksheet, students complete percentage word problems dealing with money, division, fractions, and more. Students complete 54 problems.
Permutations and Combinations
For this permutations and combinations activity, students complete word problems and pattern problems dealing with permutations and combinations. Students complete 14 problems total.
Line Up In Order
For this fractions instructional activity, learners make each of the 12 fractions a mixed number. Students also make four fractions into improper fractions. On the next pages, learners write down six equivalent fractions for the given...
Geometry: Circles
In this geometric circumference worksheet, 8th graders calculate the circumference of each of the 18 circles. The remaining pages of the worksheet include formulas and lesson ideas on finding the circumference of circles.
Working With Mode, Median, and Mean
In this data analysis worksheet, students solve five questions by finding the mode and median of each set of numbers. On the second page, kids find the mean of six sets of numbers. On the third page, students find the mode, median, and...
Equations and Graphing Review
In this equations and graphing review instructional activity, learners write, graph and solve equations for 62 problems, including a mid-unit review, with answers included.
Geometry: Perimeter and Area
In this geometry activity, young mathematicians apply the formulas for the area and perimeter of polygons and circles to solve a variety of skills practice and problem-solving questions.
Data Analysis and Interpretation
For this data analysis and interpretation worksheet, learners use charts, graphs, statistics to solve 42 pages of problems with answer key included.
Strategies for Solving Math Word Problems
In this strategies for solving math word problems learning exercise, students read two pages of examples and explanations, then solve 42 addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems, answer sheet included.
Simplifying and Combining Algebraic Expressions
In this simplifying and combining algebraic expressions worksheet, students solve 100 problems that simplify monomials, radicals and rational expressions, solve 38 problems combining expression, then solve 40 questions in a test of...
Understanding Triangles
In this understanding triangles worksheet, students read 6 pages of examples and explanations about identifying triangles, determining length of sides and degrees of angles, including the hypotenuse, then answer 28 questions, answers...
Decimals: Mixed Operations
In this decimal word problem worksheet, students complete a set of 10 problems, comparing results of performance tests on cars. An answer key is included.
Mixed Fractions
In this mixed fractions learning exercise, students add, subtract, multiply, and divide mixed fractions. Students complete 27 problems.
Probability, Percent, and Proportion
In this probability and predictions learning exercise, students read 1 page of facts, then solve 8 pages of problems related to probability, with answers keys included.
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
For this adding and subtracting fractions learning exercise, students add and subtract fractions including mixed numbers and negatives. Students complete 62 problems.
Graphing: Slope
For this slope worksheet, students complete problems having to do with slope including adding integers, graphing, finding ordered pairs, and more. Students complete 55 problems.
Scatter Plots
In this scatter plots worksheet, students complete multiple choice questions about scatter plots having to do with money, free throws, exercising, and more. Students complete 8 problems.