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Lesson Planet
This Addition and Subtraction Formulas 1 lesson plan also includes:
Show budding mathematicans how to find the sine of pi over 12. The third lesson in a series of 16 introduces the addition and subtraction formulas for trigonometric functions. Class members derive the formulas using the distance formula and previously derived formulas. They then use these formulas to find trigonometric values for other angle measures.
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Instructional Ideas
- Use the results from the exit tickets to determine those that need additional instruction before moving on to the next lesson
- Develop a matrix that shows the radian measures that come from adding and subtracting known radians
Classroom Considerations
- The class should know the trigonometric values for the special angles
- Summary provides a list of the addition and subtraction formulas
- Lesson plan highlights where the mathematical practices are incorporated into the lesson
- None
Common Core
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