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This website contains links to the following Ronald Reagan speeches: Inaugural Addresses, State of the Union Addresses, The 1964 Speech, The Challenger Disaster Speech, The Evil Empire Speech, Pointe de Hoc Normandy, Speech at Omaha Beach, 1992 Presidential Convention speech, Tenth Anniversary of the Announcement of the Strategic Defense Initiative, 1994 Gala and Lady Margaret Thatcher Gala Birthday Tribute to president Ronald Reagan.
Additional Tags
american history: ronald wilson reagan, lady margaret thatcher gala birthday tribute to president ronald reagan, pointe de hoc normandy, reagan's inaugural address, reagan's state of the union address, reagan's speech at 1992 presidential convention, reagan's speech at the 1994 gala, speech at omaha beach, tenth anniversary of the announcement of the strategic defense initiative, the 1964 speech, the challenger disaster, the evil empire speech
Classroom Considerations
- This resource is only available on an unencrypted HTTP website.It should be fine for general use, but don’t use it to share any personally identifiable information
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