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Lesson Planet
This An Educator’s Guide to Ruta Sepetys lesson plan also includes:
- The Spoils of War: Looted Art
- Graphic Organizer
- Activity
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Historical fiction novels give readers a chance to step into someone else's shoes. An educator's guide from Penguin Common Core Lesson Plans provides resources to accompany three historical fiction novels written by Ruta Sepetys: Between Shades of Gray, Out of the Easy, and Salt to the Sea. Each book has a set of Common Core aligned discussion questions, a creative activity, and thematic connections.
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Instructional Ideas
- Create slideshow presentations to introduce the time period in which a novel is set before reading
- Give writers a historical photograph and have them make up a story about a day in the life of that person
Classroom Considerations
- Many activities focus on use of literature circles in the classroom
- Makes broad connections between all three texts
- Includes a selection of interdisciplinary activities
- Lacks chapter-by-chapter resources for the stories
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