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Global exportation and importation increased when water routes opened up. This unit analyzes how this affected world trade as well as the spread of population, religion, and illness.
Additional Tags
exporting countries, global trade regions, migration due to trade, migration to new lands, motives for sea travel, overseas trade, reasons for trade, trade spread culture, trade spread disease, trade spread population, trade spread religion, water based trading networks, water routes for trade, annenberg foundation, annenberg learner, annenberg media, annenberg media: bridging world history: connections across water, arabian seas trading network, east asian exports, indian ocean routes, mississipians, mississippi river trade, norsemen trading, viking exploration, economic activity location
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 3 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
- The intended use for this resource is Instructional
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