Instructional Video

Anorexia and Eating Disorders

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

How does someone develop an eating disorder? Explore the link between health and body image with a video from a larger biology series. Content includes the symptoms and effects of eating disorders, reasons that eating disorders go untreated, and the fatal aspects of the illness.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Pause the video as directed to allow pupils to discuss eating disorders
  • Have the class get in depth with anorexia by reading about one teen's struggle on the WebMD website
Classroom Considerations
  • Preface the topic by briefly discussing the physical and mental aspects of eating disorders
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Presents the topic in a clear, unbiased manner
  • Statistics given in the video help viewers understand the scope of the illness and those most likely to suffer from it
  • None
Common Core