Instructional Video

Areas Between Curves

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

There are times that it is necessary to add areas to find the area between the curves. The video for AP Calculus presents how to find the area between curves by subtracting the area under the lower curve from the area under the upper curve. The presentation includes a discussion about what happens if the two functions intersect.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Review how to find where two functions intersect
  • Lead a discussion about finding areas of complex figures, where it is necessary to subtract or add areas of other figures
Classroom Considerations
  • Class members should be familiar with finding the area under the curve
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • The video shows both cases, which helps learners see the whole picture
  • The presenter writes out the important concepts viewers need to remember
  • When the presenter switches colors, the colors do not show in the video