Instructional Video

Can 100% Renewable Energy Power the World?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Can 100% Renewable Energy Power the World? instructional video also includes:

If renewable energy sources are the best option, why aren't they used on a global scale? Junior environmentalists explore the benefits and problems associated with energy sources such as solar, wind, and biomass with a short video and assessment materials. The resource features enrichment activities and further reading to provide an in-depth look at the world's energy future.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Pair the resource with another video discussing Earth's energy struggles, then have pupils synthesize the content
  • Show the video and have partners work together to strategize solutions for transporting energy on a global scale
Classroom Considerations
  • An understanding of alternative energy sources is helpful for viewing the video
  • Content is relevant and has applications in several different subject areas
  • The accompanying materials are student friendly and help reinforce the topics in the video
  • Facts and figures in the resource make it engaging and impactful
  • None