Celebrate Dr. Seuss' Birthday!

Celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday and reading by participating in Read Across America day on March 2nd.

By Dawn Dodson

Dr. Seuss' Birthday

March 2nd is the birthday of one of the most adored children’s authors, Dr. Seuss. Schools across the nation participate in Read Across America Day to commemorate this day. Read Across America is a literacy program that encourages and celebrates reading. There are many ways you can celebrate this event, including read-alouds, and arts and crafts. You can even make green eggs and ham. Whether you’re celebrating reading in your classroom, your school, or at home with your family, the following are ideas and resources to help you celebrate this event.      

Read Across America Activities

Whether you are participating as part of a school-wide effort, an individual, or a family, the Read Across America website has information, resources, and activity ideas you may find helpful. There is also a link that gives groups and/or individuals the option of making reading pledges. Pledges are made by people of all ages and can be easily viewed. There is also a book donation program.

The website lists a variety of Dr. Seuss-related activities. There are many craft and decorating ideas that incorporate Dr. Seuss' characters and plots. Family and school-based projects include character hats, cookie decorating, story bags, and Dr. Seuss games. For example, kids can make the striped hats from, The Cat and the Hat, or decorate hat-shaped cookies. The Seussville website is a wonderful resource to find games for both home and school settings.

Story Bags

One of my favorite classroom activities for Read Across America day is to have students make a story bag. I ask students to choose their favorite children’s book, and find or make items that represent the characters, setting, and main plot events. Students decorate their bags with book titles, authors' names, and illustrations, and then present their story bag to the class. This is an enjoyable activity that celebrates our favorite books, and gives students an opportunity to reminisce about early reading memories.

Celebrating Dr. Suess’ birthday by participating in Read Across America is a fun and enjoyable way to spend time with students and family. By reading, making crafts, and playing games, we are taking the time to model the importance of literacy. March 2nd is on its way—happy reading!

Reading Lessons and Activities:

Plan a Read All-Day Day

This lesson provides a list of reading-focused activities for the entire school day.

Grab a Winning Book to Read on March 3

This is a current events lesson that allows students to read a news article and participate in discussions and activities about the news content.

The Cat in the Hat is 50!

This lesson requires students to read articles and reviews of the book “The Cat in the Hat” in order to learn facts about the author and its publication and popularity. Students then share the information in a class discussion.   

Language Arts Guide

Dawn Dodson