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Lesson Planet
This Constitutional Principles: The Rule of Law instructional video also includes:
- Viewing Guide for Constitutional Principle Video: Rule of Law
- Activity
- Assessment
- Vocabulary
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Invite your young citizens to consider the depth, significance, and necessity of the rule of law. This video focuses particularly on the American commitment to rule of law since the nation's inception with the Constitution, referencing notable historical figures and direct language from the governing document. Tip: Use the variety of questions posed at the end of the video as a prompt for discussion or writing, in which learners must draw upon specific examples or their studies to convey their perspective.
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Classroom Considerations
- This video is hosted on YouTube
- Complete and thorough viewing guide included
- Exciting visuals and references to current events
- Additional primary source materials available through developer's website
- Instructor should pause video at appropriate moments to review concept and answer questions
- Learners should have some famliarity with early American history and government, such as the Articles of Confederation
Common Core
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