Instructional Video

Did Dinosaurs Really Go Extinct?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Most meat-eating dinosaurs had bones filled with air, just like today's birds. Scholars explore the idea that humans still live with dinosaurs, aka birds in a video that explains how researchers determined that modern birds descended from dinosaurs through the analysis of their skeletons, posture, feathers, eyesight, sound, and other characteristics.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Have learners research Archaeopteryx and share their findings
  • Use resources found in description to incorporate other readings, research, and videos about birds and dinosaurs
  • Video fits in a unit on evolution or animal adaptations
Classroom Considerations
  • If assigning as homework in a flipped classroom, be sure everyone has Internet access
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Great introduction to engage learners from Jurassic Park movies
  • Link to their related video on tetrapods found at 1:18
  • None
Common Core