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This site has a comprehensive overview of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the U.S., including information on Osama bin Laden's background, the formation of Al Qaeda, the attacks themselves, the US response, civil liberties and national security, and the treatment of Arab and Muslim Americans in the US.
Additional Tags
9 11, 9-11, 9-11-01, 9.11, 9.11.01, 9/11, act of terrorism, al-qaeda, arab americans, civil liberties, civil liberty, events of 9/11, fighting terrorism, flight 93, hijacked planes, historical cause and effect, historical conclusions, historical questions, homeland security, international coalition, national pride, national unity, pentagon attack, roots of terrorism, sept. 11, sept. 11th, september 11, special forces, taliban, terror hits home, terror network, terrorist attack, terrorist attacks, terrorists, tower collapse, towers collapse, twin towers, war on terror, war on terrorism, world trade center, world trade center attack, world trade centers, age of terrorism, al qaeda network, america responds to terrorism, america responds, america strikes back, american airlines flight #11, american airlines flight #77, american airlines flight 11, american airlines flight 77, american flight 11, american flight 77, american flight 175, american strategy in afghanistan, american troops in saudi arabia, arab world, arab-american responses, attack on america, daisy cutter, department of homeland security, digital history, muslim americans, muslims, muslims in afghanistan, osama bin laden and afghanistan, pentagon, sept. 11th news, september 11 2001, september 11 attacks, september 11, 2001, septembert 11, soviet occupation of afghanistan, terrorist attacks on the u.s., u.s. response, u.s. strike against the taliban, u.s. troops in saudi arabia, un sanctions on iraq, us president george w. bush, us troops in saudi arabia, uss cole, understanding september 11th, united airlines flight #175, united airlines flight #93, united airlines flight 175, united airlines flight 93, united flight 175, united flight 93, united nations sanctions on iraq, war against terrorism, war in afghanistan, washington, d. c., world trade center towers, world trade center bombing, world trade center collapse, world trade center's north tower, world trade center's south tower, world trade towers, attack on the uss cole, bias against arab americans, bombing of us embassies in kenya and tanzania, debate over civil liberties and national security, events of september 11th, flight 11, hijacked passenger jet, president bush, previous acts of terrorism in the united states, recovery after september 11, recovery after september 11 attacks, sepember 11, 2001, september 11th disaster, striking a balance between civil liberties and national security, terroist attack, terrorist attacks against americans, terrorist attacks against the us, terrorist attacks in the us, terrorist network, terrorist network al qaeda, trade center attack, trade centers, unmanned drones, war on afghanistan, attack on america (september 11, 2001)
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 5 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
- This resource is only available on an unencrypted HTTP website.It should be fine for general use, but don’t use it to share any personally identifiable information
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