Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
This Earthquakes and Volcanoes Pre-Assessment assessment also includes:
See how much your class knows about earthquakes and volcanic activity and how these events shape geologic features. The first lesson in the series of 20 is a pre-test to find out what pupils already know. It includes 10 vocabulary words and four content questions about volcanoes and earthquakes.
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Instructional Ideas
- Have pupils create flash cards with vocabulary words they do not already know
Classroom Considerations
- Assessment may take as little as 10 minutes
- Assumes no prior knowledge, but a pre-test does cause some students anxiety; reassure them it is okay not to know the answers
- Covers the main topics for the physical science concepts
- Knowing the patterns in the knowledge of scholars and the missing pieces allow for more direct instruction and less wasted time
- Answer key shows answers for the questions but not the 10 definitions in the tables
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