Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
This Grab ‘N Go Debate lesson plan also includes:
- Activity
- Worksheet
- Template
- Graphic Organizer
- Join to access all included materials
Here's a resource that provides debaters with the background information and worksheets they will need when planning a policy debate. Templates and sentence frames, as well as a rationale for using debates in the classroom, are included in the packet.
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Instructional Ideas
- If your school has a speech and debate club, ask members to conduct a debate for the class and share their experiences as debaters
Classroom Considerations
- Although billed as an introduction to debate, a simpler format would be more appropriate for first time debaters
- The materials are designed for debate classes and/or debate teams
- The packet does not include suggestions for debate topics
- The worksheets include explanations of the purpose and format of each speech
- The packet does not include suggestions for debate topics
- The resource references a Step-by-Step Guide that is not included
Common Core
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