
Gravity Launch

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Gravity Launch app also includes:

Getting a ship into orbit isn't rocket science. Oh, wait...that's exactly what it is! Learn the basics of the concepts of thrust, launch angle, and gravitational pull in this fun and progressively challenging game.

3rd - 12th Science 8 Views 7 Downloads
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App Overview

Getting Started:

  1. Tap on How to Play on the bottom of the screen
  2. Read the tutorial, then X out to get to the main menu
  3. Start with Get To Orbit to begin working with thrust
  4. Once complete, return to the Menu to work with launch angle in Land on the Moon
  5. Begin your adventure by entering the Easy world
  6. Adjust the thrust and launch point to reach the stated goal (tap on Hint to remind yourself of the goal)
  7. Progress through the more challenging levels in Intermediate and Advanced

Other modes:

About Gravity:

Learn more about the force of gravity, what it affects, and why it matters in launching rockets through six pages of images and text. Tab through by tapping Next at the bottom of the screen.

Free Play:

  • Create cool flight patterns as you work through the four games
  • Capture a screen shot and save it to the camera roll using the Snapshot button
  • Save your game by tapping Save in the top-right corner and naming it using the drop-down menus provided


  • Play head-to-head with the person sitting across from you in the arcade-style mode
  • Select from four different games to challenge you and your partner


  • Change the ship trail colors
  • Add or remove users
Join for full overview
Instructional Ideas
  • Use a class set of tablets to have groups compete in a space race
  • Give learners a challenge to complete in the Free Play mode (e.g. create a certain pattern and have them work to recreate it)
  • Compare thrust rate and launch point to those of actual launches from NASA and other space programs around the world
Classroom Considerations
  • In the intermediate and advanced levels, the games can be quite challenging; consider pairing kids together in a deliberate way to ensure success for all
  • Includes several game modes, including single player, two player, and free play
  • Allows for multiple user profiles to be stored
  • Generates an interest in STEM fields in kids of all ages
  • Graphics aren't very high-tech
  • Does not automatically advance to next menu item (e.g. from Get To Orbit to Land on the Moon); must return to main menu to select a new difficulty level