Instructional Video

Intro to Big Data: Crash Course Statistics #38

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Intro to Big Data: Crash Course Statistics #38 instructional video also includes:

What makes data big? The 38th installment in the series Crash Course Statistics provides a definition of big data and its origins. It shows various methods and resources on how to collect big data and how companies use big data for a variety of  purposes, including deciding what ads to display on a web page along with the visual to promote a movie.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Use the video to introduce why one would use statistics to describe data
  • Lead a brainstorming session on the types of data collected daily about one person
Classroom Considerations
  • Individuals should understand the basics of data display and data analysis
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Provides real examples of how companies use big data
  • Includes descriptions of apps that collect data
  • None
Common Core