Lesson Plan

Introduce: Prediction

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Introduce: Prediction lesson plan also includes:

What will happen next? Leave readers at a cliffhanger as they practice prediction strategies while listening to a story. Pupils start by making guesses based on the book's cover and title, discussing the techniques they use to make these predictions. After listening to the first part of the story, they make another prediction about how it will resolve. Consider leaving them at the precipice of conflict to get a more engaged reaction. Learners finish the plot to see if their predictions were accurate. One of the extension ideas here sounds really fun: have scholars write their own ending before revealing it!

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Resource Details
K - 3rd
English Language Arts
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Resource Type
Lesson Plans
30 mins
Instructional Strategy
Choral Response
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Creative Commons
BY-SA: 3.0