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The study resource from Khan Academy provides an overview of Period 7: 1890-1945 in American History. The Presidency of Theodore Roosevelt is discussed in this lesson. This resource is designed as a review for the AP US History Test.
Additional Tags
big stick, trust-buster, ap us history/college history unit: period 7: 1890-1945: the presidency of theodore roosevelt, ap us history: period 7: 1890-1945: the presidency of theodore roosevelt, alfred thayer mahan, bull moose party, khan academy, khan academy: ap us history/college history unit: period 7: 1890-1945: the presidency of theodore roosevelt, meat inspection act of 1906, monroe doctrine, panama canal, presidency of theodore roosevelt, president theodore roosevelt, progressive republican party, progressives, pure food and drug act of 1906, roosevelt corollary, rough riders, spanish-american war, square deal, teddy roosevelt, the progressives, william howard taft, progressive era, socialism in the progressive era
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 3 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
- The intended use for this resource is Instructional
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