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"Sound Experiments" drive this lesson plan. Sonnet analysis is accompanied by readings based on specific emotions. At this website, there are several links full-text sonnets by such authors as Shakespeare, Lord Byron, Longfellow, and Rossetti.
Additional Tags
enjambmebt, epigrammatic couplets, metrical variation, 17th century sonnets, 19th century american poets, bright star, british victorian, christina rossetti, countee cullen, edsitement, elisabeth barrett browning, elizabethan, emma lazarus, english sonnet, from you have i been absent in the spring, jonne donne, lady mary wroth, my mistress' eyes are nothin like the sun, national endowment for the humanities, not marble nor the guilded monuments, on the castle of chillon, ozymandius, percy shelley, petrarchan sonnet, romantic poets, shakespeare, shall i compare thee to a summer's day, sonnet, sonnet 130, sonnet 18, sonnet 29, sonnet 30, sonnet 55, sonnet 60, sonnet 73, sonnet 98, that time of year thou mayst in my behold, the long love that in my heart doth harbor, thomas wyatt, when i have fears that i may cease to be, when in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes, when to the sessions of sweet silent thought, rhyme scheme
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 4 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
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