Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
This No Fossils in This Fuel lesson plan also includes:
Yeast and sugar go beyond the pantry and into a fuel experiment. Use these common baking ingredients to assist your class in creating ethanol, a natural fuel. Pupils observe the process and gather information to elaborate on the reaction, so they can relate their observations to present and future energy solutions.
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Instructional Ideas
- Conduct a survey of gas stations to see how many sell gasoline with ethanol
- Research the other forms of vehicle power, such as electric and solar, in addition to fuels mentioned in this activity, and make a poster or chart with advantages, disadvantages, and availability of each
- Search online to find an automobile fueled by alternative methods
Classroom Considerations
- Provide assistance to English learners as they perform online research for the activity
- Provides opportunities to expand on ideas from the original experiment
- Relates experiment with present-day environmental situations
- None
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