Lesson Plan

No Imitations, Please! Avoiding Plagiarism

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

With all the stuff available online, good essays are just a click away. But talk about tracking! Writers beware! New tech can now identify plagiarism, and the consequences of presenting someone else's work as your own are severe. Here's a lesson plan that makes that point. Class members read articles about plagiarism and note the key ideas they take away from the readings.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Present the lesson before one on examples of plagiarism and one on how to cite sources
  • Set aside extra prep time to prepare the Magnetic Statements posters and copy the articles
Classroom Considerations
  • Requires index cards, copies of multiple articles, and a projection device for the slideshow
  • Links are provided for detailed explanations of the various teaching strategies used in the lesson
  • Spanish and English forms of the materials are provided
  • None