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Lesson Planet
This Revolt! Comparing Historical Revolutions lesson plan also includes:
- Revolt!
- Activity
- Assessment
- Graphic & Image
- Lesson Plan
- Project
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What elements are needed to have a revolution? How do historical revolutions from across the globe and generations compare with one another? This is an excellent activity that incorporates group work, source analysis, and an engaging slide show to review major revolutions in history. Tip: Use this resource toward the end of a world history course as a review, choose specific revolutions for a more in-depth compare and contrast activity, or work to identify the critical attributes of a revolution.
Additional Tags
- Includes source analysis handout
- Excellent prescribed questions for Unpredictable Uprisings slide show
- Provides links to primary and secondary sources categorized by revolution
- May wish to use warm-up as an assessment, or provide more background information and assignments to prepare class for this activity
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