Instructional Video

The Difference Between Classical and Operant Conditioning

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This The Difference Between Classical and Operant Conditioning instructional video also includes:

Learn about the difference between two central concepts in behavioral psychology: classical and operant conditioning. Viewers are presented with images and clear narration explaining the two processes that result in learning, and demonstrate the degree to which many of our actions were at some point influenced by operant conditioning.

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CCSS: Adaptable
  • Describes concept of unconditioned and neutral stimuli, as well as effects of reinforcement and punishment
  • Major reference to Ivan Pavlov's famous 1890 experiments
  • Opportunity to flip the video: create your own multiple choice and/or open answer questions to check for understanding, add additional resources, or create a discussion question for an online open forum (requires free online registration)
  • None
Common Core