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Lesson Planet
Immigration is a topic that likely affects every member of your class, no matter how many generations of their families have been born in the United States. Learn about the reasons economists argue that immigration is ultimately helpful for the economy, and why deporting undocumented workers may not be the best economic practice.
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Instructional Ideas
- Encourage learners to interview an immigrant in their family or neighborhood, and to write a narrative account of that person's experience
- Have pupils conduct additional research about immigrants' contributions to the economy as a whole
Classroom Considerations
- Addresses controversial topics; prepare for a balanced and respectful discussion in the classroom
- The 33rd part of 35 videos from Crash Course Economics
- This video is hosted on YouTube
- Uses real-world examples from history and modern times to connect the points
- Mentions perspectives from each side of the argument about illegal immigration
- None
Common Core
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