Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
This The Secret Lives of Baby Fish instructional video also includes:
Dive into an exploration of the life cycles of coral reef fish with this short instructional video. Starting off as larvae floating in the oceans' currents, these little fish can travel thousands of miles, avoiding numerous hazards as they search for a reef to call their home.
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Instructional Ideas
- Supplement this video into a unit on the life cycles of marine animals
- Follow a viewing of this video with a short research project in which students explore the life cycles of other animals
- Use this resource in your flipped classroom, assigning the video as homework before discussing the material during the following class period
- Animations are used to engage young scientists in learning about the lives of baby fish
- Includes a short assessment with eight multiple-choice and free-response questions
- TED-Ed provides teachers the option of creating customized lessons based on the video
- None
Common Core
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