Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
This is a stellar overview of everything light and quantum! There are 30 multiple choice questions, none of them requiring any mathematical computation. There are a few diagrams to analyze: light rays striking reflective and refractive materials, spectral lines, and more. You can use this comprehensive set of conceptual questions as an exam.
color recognition, colors, focal points, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetism, electromagnetic waves, the speed of light, light, white light, concave mirrors, mirrors, polarization, polarity, wavelength, waves, diffraction, fiber optics, magnification, photons, prisms, quantum physics, refraction, spectra, the bohr model, the emission spectra, the index of refraction, the periodic table, the photoelectric effect, quantum numbers
Additional Tags
bohr model, color, periodic table of elements, photoelectric effect, quantum physics, reflection, refraction, spectrum, concave mirror, converging lens, convex mirror, diffraction, dispersion, diverging lens, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic wave, emission spectra, fiber optics, focal point, frequency, index of refraction, interference, internal reflection, inverted image, light ray, magnification, photon, polarization, prism, quantum number, real image, spectra, spectral lines, speed of light, virtual image, wave propagation, wavelength, white light, ernest rutherford, plum pudding model, brewster's angle, wave front, science
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