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Lesson Planet
This When is a Wind Farm a Good Investment? lesson plan also includes:
- Worksheet
- Answer Key
- Vocabulary
- Activity
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When will a wind farm pay for itself? Individuals calculate the anticipated annual revenue for two proposed wind farms. By comparing the number of years it takes to pay back the initial investment, they determine which site makes the best economical sense for the company.
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Instructional Ideas
- Class members should be familiar with converting measurements and units
- For those that struggle with the calculations, give the units in the boxes to help cue what the factors are
Classroom Considerations
- Wind speed variability and power production graph may be difficult for some pupils to read
- The final lesson of a 19-part series
- Tables are provided in order to organize the information
- Wrap-up questions provide an opportunity for the class to apply what they have learned
- There is no individual assessment to check for understanding after the lesson
Common Core
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