Instructional Video

Where Did Life Come From?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Just when you thought you had life figured out ... here comes another great video! Young biologists discover the multi-faceted meaning of life through a video from a comprehensive science playlist. Content includes when life appeared on Earth, how RNA may have a bigger role in the origins of life, and why living things are in a constant struggle with entropy.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Include the video in an evolution lesson or as an extension in a characteristics of life unit
  • Provide extra info on the primordial soup experiment the narrator discusses
Classroom Considerations
  • Younger learners benefit from an explanation of entropy and should have a good understanding of evolution for watching the video
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Despite its complexity, the video is very enjoyable for a wide range of ages
  • The explanations of terms and ideas are clear and concise with colorful illustrations
  • None
Common Core