Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Using a Venn Diagram to Compare / Contrast: Double Bubble

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Create a "Double Bubble" to organize information in a Venn diagram-like graphic organizer.   There are a few options included to differentiate this assignment, but unfortunately, there are no topics for selection. Provide your emerging...
Lesson Plan

Recursive Challenge Problem—The Double and Add 5 Game

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Math is all fun and games! Use a game strategy to introduce the concept of sequences and their recursive formulas. The activity emphasizes notation and vocabulary.
Lesson Plan

Recursive Challenge Problem—The Double and Add 5 Game

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
As a continuation of a previous lesson, this activity builds on the concept of calculating the terms of a sequence. Pupils are challenged to determine the smallest starting term to reach a set number by a set number of rounds. Notation...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Double-letter Word Fluency

For Teachers 1st
First graders build fluency. In this word recognition instructional activity, 1st graders practice saying words that have a double-letter combination in them (e.g. pull). They work in a small group or as a class to take turns identifying...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Recognizing that One Text Can Generate Multiple Interpretations - The Double V

For Teachers 7th - 9th
Students research African American involvement in World War II and the Double V campaign. In this African American history lesson, students review Jim Crow and watch a related video. Students complete the Double V image graphic organizer...
Curated OER

Double Numbers

For Students 2nd - 3rd
In this doubling numbers worksheet, learners double 12 numbers, writing each in boxes beside the original. An answer key and reference website are included.
CK-12 Foundation

Finding Exact Trigonometric Values Using Double Angle Identities: Trig Values Using Double and Half Angle Formulas

For Students 10th - 12th
The more you know, the more you can learn. Scholars apply the double angle and half angle formulas to determine trig values based on known values. They use an interactive that provides sine and cosine values to aid calculations.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

What Makes Jokes Funny?

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Explore how language is used for comic effect. Middle schoolers determine which of the three formulas for jokes (double meanings, unexpected outcome, humorous mental image) make each of 18 classic, corny examples funny. They complete a...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Addition and Subtraction Facts to 20

For Teachers 2nd - 3rd
Fact families, and the relationship between addition and subtraction are the foucs of this activity. Learners explore strategies to help with their addition and subtraction facts. They use doubles, related facts, and fact families to...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Black Tiger Academy Martial Arts Fitness Unit – Lesson 17

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
“Well begun is half done."—Aristotle. Black Tiger Academy’s martial arts instructional activity 17 of 20 continues to discuss fast foods and their cumulative effects. This instructional activity not only looks at calories, but also at...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Black Tiger Academy Martial Arts Fitness Unit - Lesson 19

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
“A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle."—Father James Keller. Black Tiger Academy’s martial arts lesson 19 of 20 focuses on the class recognizing their peers for the positive qualities that each one of them brings to the...
Curated OER

WS 4.6 Types of Reactions

For Students 9th - 12th
Somehow 55 chemistry problems have been squished onto a single page! Don't assume that it is a mess, however. High school chemists write the products for different types of reactions. Then they identify the type of reaction in addition...
Curated OER

Errors vs. Rhetorical Devices

For Teachers 11th - Higher Ed
Is there a difference between writing errors and employing rhetorical devices? This presentation argues that there is a difference, but it might be a finer point than one would think. Addressing double entendre, oxymorons, and parody,...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Black Tiger Academy Martial Arts Fitness Unit – Lesson 18

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
“There are no short cuts to any place worth going."—Beverly Sills. Black Tiger Academy’s martial arts lesson 18 of 20 focuses on goal setting. Discuss the difference between short-term goals and long-term goals. Then practice setting a...
Curated OER

Single Replacement Reactions

For Teachers 9th - 12th
These slides will need to be rearranged, and the title really should include single and double replacement reactions. As is, this presentation isn't coherent, but the content and photos in the slides are advantageous. Take a look at them...
Curated OER

Number Wall

For Students 2nd - 3rd Standards
Use the number wall to practice addition, evens and odds, missing addends, and doubling. Learners answer various questions based on six numbers, filling in squares with digits. They list the odd numbers and total them, then list the even...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Building Brilliant Bar Graphs

For Teachers 2nd - 4th
Everything you need for a mini-unit on bar graphs is included in this lesson plan! It outlines three lessons and includes worksheets. Learners taste pretzels, shoot baskets (switching off hands), and grab candy, graphing results...
Unit Plan
Core Knowledge Foundation

Kindergarten Skills Unit 8

For Teachers K Standards
A unit introduces 14 double-letter spellings for consonant sounds and seven tricky high-frequency words. Over four weeks, young scholars participate in daily spelling and word reviews, guided practice, and complete skills practice....
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Double Serving Lesson Plan

For Teachers 1st
First graders add doubles numbers in number sentences. In this doubles numbers lesson plan, 1st graders list things that come in pairs, create doubles addition sentences, and solve riddles with doubles.
Curated OER

Harder Doubles

For Students 3rd - 5th
In this multiplication worksheet, students double the number provided and write the outcome in the empty box. There are 12 numbers to double and they are all multiples of 5. The answers are on the second page.
Curated OER

Doubles Plus 1 Totals

For Students 2nd - 3rd
In this doubles plus 1 activity, students write a doubles plus 1 addition equation for a "bakers' dozen," then complete a table, writing the doubles plus 1 equations for numbers of muffins.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Introduce Double-letter Words

For Teachers 1st
First graders practice double letter words. In this word study lesson, 1st graders are introduced to double letter words and pronounce them slowly. There is a helpful video with this lesson that explains and demonstrates on how to...
Curated OER

Harder Doubles

For Students 2nd - 3rd
For this doubling worksheet, students solve 12 problems in which a one or two digit number is doubled. Students write the answer in the blank.
Curated OER

Adding Single-Digit Doubles

For Students 2nd - 3rd
In this doubles addition instructional activity, students solve 20 problems adding single-digit doubles, determine which doubles add up to given sums and add 10 "near doubles." A website reference for additional resources is provided.

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