Lesson Plan
Hastings Prince Edward Public Health

What is Health?

For Students 6th - 12th
Many indicators of health are beyond a teenager's control, but there are many changes they can make in their daily life that can improve their health. Middle schoolers think about their physical, social, and mental health status before...
Lesson Plan
University of Washington

Connecting Youth to Quality Health Information

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Many teenagers don't have adequate access to health and nutrition information beyond a quick Internet search. Guide them into health advocacy and proficiency with a lesson focused on MedlinePlus as a reliable source for health...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Health Database Lesson Plan

For Teachers 3rd
Third graders demonstrate the ability to identify personal health needs. They classify foods from the school lunch menus into the correct food groups. A database file is created. They determine if the school lunch menu offers a balanced...
Hastings Prince Edward Public Health

My Life My Plan

For Students 6th - 8th
Being a teenager is harder today than it's ever been. Guide high schoolers through the last few years before adulthood with a resource that encourages them to reflect on their lives and passions, and to make a healthy plan going forward.
Lesson Plan
Purdue University

Healthy Body Image: A Lesson Plan for Middle School Students

For Teachers 6th - 9th
This is a very valuable lesson for middle schoolers on the importance of maintaining a healthy body image through diet, exercise, and positive mentality. The resource includes four lesson plans. The first two plans outline the physical...
Choose My Plate

My Daily Food Plan (18+ years old)

For Students 11th - Higher Ed
Manage your calorie intake with a daily food plan journal. After reviewing a reference sheet with suggested amounts of each food group based on a total calorie pattern, learners can jot down what foods they have eaten during the day as...
Lesson Plan
Hastings Prince Edward Public Health

My Life—My Health

For Students 6th - 8th
Teenagers are not too young to incorporate healthy habits into their lives! A detailed lesson plan helps them set goals for nutritional meals, quality sleep, and scheduled physical activity.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Children's Health on the Decline

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Demonstrate the importance of children's health with this cross-curricular lesson, which includes elements from health and science as well as expository writing. Middle schoolers develop realistic and obtainable one week health and...
Laguna Middle School

Personal Physical Fitness Plan

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Sticking to a physical fitness plan can be tricky. Support young athletes' personal fitness goals with a helpful and strategie lesson plan. They reflect on their daily habits through a pre-assessment and questionnaire, create short and...
Unit Plan
Out-of-School Time Resource Center

Nutrition and Physical Activity

For Teachers 1st - 6th Standards
Emerging nutritionists explore what it means to be healthy. In the beginning of the unit, your class will examine the five food groups and learn how food gets from the farm to our plates. This leads into the investigation of the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Health and Nutrition Lesson Plan: Learning Healthy Eating Habits With Junk Food Jack and Healthy Harry

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st
Students distinguish healthy foods from junk foods. In this personal health and nutrition lesson, students make Junk Food Jack and Healthy Harry. Students use the puppets to role play discussion about healthy eating.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Final Project: Food and Nutrition Class

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students plan appropriate diets for themselves and others using the USDA Dietary Guidelines. They indicate their average cost of food at home on a thrifty plan and prepare a one-week menu plan including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Child Nutrition Unit

For Teachers 7th - 10th
How much fun can you have teaching adolescents about nutrition? Try taking them to work with preschoolers for an hour! This 4-day mini-unit about the importance of nutrition early in life culminates with a field trip. It was written for...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Fast Food and Daily Nutrition Choices

For Teachers 8th - 10th
Students explore food. In this nutrition instructional activity, students investigate multiple facets of healthy eating and how the fast food industry impacts our society. They will participate in class discussions, read from their...
Lesson Plan

Personal Wellness Inventory

For Students 9th - 12th
How healthy are you really? High schoolers assess the aspects of physical, mental, and social health in their lives before applying them to various templates and discerning the unhealthy habits that they can work on changing.
Lesson Plan
US Department of Agriculture

Serving Up My Plate

For Teachers 1st - 2nd Standards
Offer your youngsters an extra helping of nutritional knowledge and healthy tips with this resource, which centers around the MyPlate nutritional guide and offers three "courses" of plans and worksheets on the food groups and the...
Unit Plan

Home Economics: Teen Building

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Learners explore the emotional and nutritional needs of teenagers in a six-lesson unit, which covers such topics as food sources, cooking skills, emotional well-being, and the positive effect of food and family occasions. 
Lesson Plan
Baylor College

Serving Sizes

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Are serving sizes for different foods always appropriate for what you need? In this hands-on activity, learners work in groups to estimate what one serving size of various foods are, and then evaluate their hypotheses by measuring real...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The nutritional value of snack foods

For Teachers 5th
This lesson is intended as preparation for a school health fair but could be used anytime. Learners discuss and compare the nutrition found in typical snack foods. They compose investigative questions, collect data, and research a...
Unit Plan
Curated OER

Healthy Body Image: A Lesson Plan for High School Students

For Teachers 9th - 12th
How does your class view themselves? High schoolers explore body image through a series of four activities. Groups collaborate to examine the changes we experience as a part of growing up, how the media influences body image, and healthy...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Nutrition and the Elderly

For Teachers 12th - Higher Ed
Study the nutrition of elderly people and how it helps them to remain independent and healthy.  Learners investigative the nutrition concerns of the elderly. MyPlate, vitamine requirements and sensory changes in the elderly are...
Unit Plan
Stanford University

A Healthy You

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Go beyond counting calories with a healthy eating unit that focuses on reading nutritional labels, making healthy choices, and incorporating fitness into daily life. After four lessons about the different ways kids can improve their...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

ADULT ESOL LESSON PLAN--Communicate Effectively on Health and Nutrition Topics

For Teachers Higher Ed
Pupils, after encountering an intense vocabulary list of health and nutritional terms, examine basic health care requests and issues that might come up in every day situations.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

ADULT ESOL LESSON PLAN--Communicate Effectively on Health and Nutrition Topics

For Teachers Higher Ed
Students analyze/recognize/identify basic body parts in connection to communicating productively on health and nutrition in the event that a need arises requesting medical attention.