Lesson Plan


Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This ELA.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-10.7 lesson plan also includes:

Use this resource's pairings of classical literature and paintings to practice the skill of comparing different artistic mediums with your ELA class. Addressing standard 7 for literature in the Common Core, the resource encourages your pupils to examine how different artists treated the same subject through the various mediums of poems, paintings, and plays. Use the two provided whole-class exercises before having individuals complete the multiple-choice quizzes. As well as providing appropriate pairings of text and images, the exercises and quizzes ask excellent prompting questions that will require deep thought and attention to detail.  

1 Collection 100 Views 75 Downloads
CCSS: Designed
Resource Details
9th - 10th
English Language Arts
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Resource Types
Activities & Projects
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2 hrs
Instructional Strategies
Collaborative Learning
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Usage Permissions
Fine Print
Common Core