Gifted and Talented Education Articles for Teachers

Ways to Extend the Learning With A Fraction Unit
What do you do when a student has mastered all of the skills in your fraction unit? These students are ready to take fractions to a higher level. They usually finish the assignments first and correctly. They don’t want more of the same. What they really want is a challenge and the opportunity to ...

Encouraging Cooperative Learning Among Gifted and Talented Students
We each have situations in which we work best. I, for example, work best in a fairly relaxed environment and with someone to guide me only when necessary. Others thrive on an impending deadline, or work best with a partner to share the workload. Like us, our students also have their own individua...

Going Beyond Basic Geometry Using Symmetry and Tesselations
By the time students reach the upper elementary grades, there seems to be a division between those who “get” geometry and those who do not. As teachers, we know that students start to utilize their abstract thinking skills more in the fourth through sixth grades. However, we know that not a...

Communication Skills Center Ideas for the Early Finisher
What do you do when a student finishes their work early, did it correctly, and looks to you for what to do next? This is something that many teachers face on a daily basis. Some students finish assignments earlier than their peers, especially when they have mastered the concept in the assignment....

I'm done! Now, what can I do in Math?
The words “I’m done” can sound like nails scraping against a chalkboard to the teacher that planned for a math lesson to extend for a certain amount of time, and a student, or students, finish it in five minutes. What does finishing early indicate? What happens to the stu...

Science Center Ideas for Students Who Finish Work Early
When students finish class work early, they need to have resources available to keep them busy, challenged, and learning. Some students finish work quickly because they understand it and are ready for more. Providing a center with science activities can be an easy solution.
In addition, having a ...

Researching America's History
The history of the American continent can be fascinating for students. They can learn about the people who lived here more than 10,000 years ago when a little over one hundred individuals left their familiar continent to venture and settle in a new, unknown territory. They can...

Logic Plus Math Equals Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is a necessary component in problem solving. In order for students to find the answer to a math problem, he or she must be able to decide what steps are needed to reach the solution. Additionally, the order in which these steps are undertaken is sometimes critical...

Where Did the Science Experiments Go?
Where did the science experiments go?
Students study a variety of topics in science. They learn about what causes weather, they study the states of matter, they examine the life cycle of a butterfly, and they identify parallel circuits, etc. . . But how often do children get to do a hands-on...

Using Holiday Songs to Enhance Lessons
Holiday songs can serve as the inspiration for creative lesson plan ideas. This is not just for the music teacher. These songs can be incorporated into any subject area. One song can be used for a math, science, and history lesson. Since many kids already know the lyrics, holiday songs can be an ...

"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" Lesson Ideas
“How the Grinch Stole Christmas” by Dr. Seuss is a classic tale about learning the true meaning of giving, sharing, and family. The Grinch hates Christmas, and for fifty-three years he tries to end it by taking all of the presents and food in Who-ville. At the end of the story, he...

Incorporating Artifacts and Guest Speakers into Curriculum Planning
Imagine a classroom where the presentation of lessons felt like going on a field trip. When students are exposed to a variety of resources, imagination takes learning beyond the four walls of the classroom. A great hook to any lesson in any subject is a visual. That visual could be a cannon ball ...

Differentiation of Student Products
Students vary in learning abilities, styles, and backgrounds. One way to differentiate your instruction accordingly is to provide students with an assignment that is open-ended. Each student works on the same objective or standard, yet they determine how they are going to cons...

Using Self Portraits for Self Expression
There are some specific issues that can come up when working with gifted students. Have you ever asked a gifted child, “What is gifted?” or “How do you feel about being gifted?” It may surprise many teachers to find that a lot of emotion and discussion will ensue. Many newly-identified students h...

Field Trips Can Inspire Students to Write Creatively
Field trips can be a great way to finish a unit. After studying a particular topic for a month or more, students can be given the opportunity to experience what they have been learning about firsthand. Students that studied colonial times might visit a historic site, like...