Curated OER

"I Can” Common Core! 6th Grade Writing

For Teachers 6th Standards
It is impossible to know whether one has reached a goal without first knowing the goal. Help your sixth graders reach all the Common Core writing standards by giving them a checklist written in language they will understand. As you teach...
Carolina K-12

The Revolutionary Times

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
Be sure to grab a copy of the Revolutionary Times! Scholars take a step back in time to report on topics set in the revolutionary period. Events include the ride of Paul Revere, the Battle of Saratoga, and more.
Lesson Plan

Performance Task: Final Informative Consumer Guide

For Teachers 6th Standards
Formative feedback should be kind, specific, and helpful. Pupils engage in a peer editing process, using a rubric to critique a partner's writing. Next, scholars use the feedback to create the final version of their informative consumer...
Lesson Plan

End of Unit Assessment: Drafting the Informative Consumer Guide

For Teachers 6th Standards
Not all sandwiches are edible. Scholars use a Quote Sandwich graphic organizer to draft the written content of their informative consumer guides. Additionally, they view a mini-instructional activity on formal writing. 
Lesson Plan

End of Unit 3 Assessment: Drafting the Newspaper Article

For Teachers 6th Standards
Choose your words carefully. Scholars continue looking at the creation of a newspaper article by examining word choice. They highlight key verbs, vocabulary, and descriptive words in the model article Sandy wreaks havoc...
Lesson Plan

Writing Interview Questions

For Teachers 6th Standards
And now for the star witness! Scholars take a look at a model newspaper article and discuss the importance of eyewitness accounts. In groups of three, they take turns underlining text from eyewitnesses. They then regroup to talk about...
Lesson Plan

Performance Task: Final Draft of the Newspaper Article

For Teachers 6th Standards
It's time for the grand finale! Scholars complete the final draft of their newspaper articles for the End of Unit 3 Assessment. They share their article with a classmate for peer critique. After considering all feedback and including a...
Lesson Plan

Performance Task Preparation: Peer Critique and Mini-Lesson Addressing Common Errors: Revising Draft Essay to Inform

For Teachers 6th Standards
Time to revise! Using a writing evaluation rubric, scholars participate in a peer editing process to provide feedback on each others' informative essays. Next, pupils begin revising their drafts based on the feedback they receive. 
Lesson Plan

End of Unit Assessment: Final Essay

For Teachers 6th Standards
This is just the transition phase. Scholars participate in a mini lesson about using transitions in writing. They then have a brief peer critique of the introduction and conclusion paragraphs for their end of unit assessment. Learners...
Lesson Plan

Drafting Body Paragraphs

For Teachers 6th Standards
That's just the style. Learners begin with a mini-lesson about formal writing style. They then use what they learned about formal writing to begin the body paragraphs for their End of Unit 1 Assessment Prompt: Adversity in the Middle...
Lesson Plan

Writing to Inform: Analyzing a Model Using a Rubric

For Teachers 6th Standards
Learn to write right. Scholars analyze the model essay Adversity Faced by Townspeople in the Middle Ages. They discuss the essay and make annotations working with an elbow partner. Learners then take another look at the essay using a...
Lesson Plan

Final Performance Task: Final Draft of Essay to Inform

For Teachers 6th Standards
Sometimes, it's fun to follow the rules. Using their drafts of an evidence-based essay from previous lessons, scholars write their final informative essays about rules to live by. Next, they choose and share quotes from their essays that...
Lesson Plan

End of Unit Assessment, Part 2: Final Draft of Literary Analysis

For Teachers 6th Standards
Row, row, row, row four. Classmates take a look at row four in the writing rubric and begin the exercise by identifying any unfamiliar words. Literary scholars then use feedback from their initial drafts and the writing rubric to begin...
Lesson Plan

Peer Critique and Pronoun Mini-Lesson: Revising Draft Literary Analysis

For Teachers 6th Standards
See what peers really think. Scholars give a peer critique of the their essay drafts from the previous lesson. They then participate in a mini lesson about pronouns. Pupils write examples of each type of pronoun on sticky notes and put...
Lesson Plan

Launching the End of Unit Assessment: Drafting Literary Analysis

For Teachers 6th Standards
Is there a connection? Scholars work to write a summary and theme to connect The Lightning Thief and myth of Cronus. They begin by looking at a model essay and then work on their own drafts. 
Lesson Plan

Building Writing Skills: Receiving Feedback and Varying Sentence Structures

For Teachers 6th Standards
Everyone is good at something. Scholars receive their mid-unit assessments with feedback. They look over their papers and write their strengths as a writer and goals on index cards. The class then has a mini lesson in using sentence...
Lesson Plan

Determining Theme: Reading Myths in “Expert Groups”

For Teachers 6th Standards
Leave it to the experts. Scholars work in expert groups to analyze new myths. Each group is assigned to become an expert on either The Fates, The Story of Medusa and Athena, or Theseus and the Minotaur. They answer questions and...
Lesson Plan

Planning for Writing: Introduction and Conclusion of a Literary Analysis

For Teachers 6th Standards
It's all about the introduction. Scholars work on the introductory paragraph for their essays, connecting the theme of a myth and The Lightning Thief. They use a graphic organizer to help focus their work and then move to working on the...
Lesson Plan

Planning for Writing: Revisiting “Key Elements of Mythology” and Determining a Theme in the Myth of Cronus

For Teachers 6th Standards
Refresh my memory please. Scholars quickly read over the Myth of Cronus to refresh their memories of the story. They then get in groups and write parts of the myth on sticky notes that relate to the elements of mythology, sticking their...
Lesson Plan

Connecting the Theme of the Expert Group Myth to a Theme in The Lightning Thief and to Life Lessons

For Teachers 6th Standards
Expert groups discuss the theme of their myths and the life lessons people learn from it. They then regroup their triads so that there is a pupil from each expert myth group and share details about their myths. The class also talks about...
Lesson Plan

Mid-Unit 2 Assessment: Writing an Analytical MiniEssay about Mythological Elements and Theme

For Teachers 6th Standards
Two is company. Scholars pair up to continue their mini essay writing from the previous lesson. They work on their introduction and conclusion paragraphs and then trade partners for peer feedback and a fresh set of eyes on their work....
Lesson Plan

Drafting an Analytical Mini-Essay: Using Partner Talk and Graphic Organizers to Guide Thinking

For Teachers 6th Standards
Moving on up ... Scholars take a look at how the author of the model essay Elements of Mythology and Theme of Cronus moved up in the writing process from a graphic organizer to an essay. After walking through the writing process of the...
Lesson Plan

Analyzing Details in “Prometheus” for Elements of Mythology and Theme

For Teachers 6th Standards
Well isn't that clever? Scholars read Prometheus, a tale describes the clever Greek god and trickster. They tune into details and complete graphic organizers that reveal the theme of the text. 
Lesson Plan

Analyzing the Model Analytical Mini-Essay: “Elements of Mythology and Theme of Cronus”

For Teachers 6th Standards
It's time to make a claim. Scholars learn what it means to make a claim by first looking at a model analytical mini-essay to determine how the author relayed ideas. Pupils then work with partners to discuss how the author might have...