College Board
2010 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions
Is this going to be on the test? The resource contains the AP Calculus AB free-response questions that were on the 2010 test. Pupils use the six questions to prepare for their tests. Teachers use the included response resources...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Unit 7 Review: Differential Equations
Differentiate everyone's knowledge. Pupils work through nine review questions to highlight key concepts from Unit 7. Items range from finding slope fields and reasoning with them to finding general and particular solutions of...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Sketching Slope Fields
Frolic through a field of slopes. Learners watch a video describing slope fields and how to create one. Scholars use given slope fields to determine the equation of a tangent line and the possible differential equation. Pupils continue...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Verifying Solutions for Differential Equations
Find out if it is truly the solution. An informative presentation provides viewers with multiple examples of finding the particular solution to a differential equation. Learners find out how to verify the solution by differentiating the...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC Unit 4 Review: Analytical Applications of Differentiation
It's nice to know that there are actual real-world uses of derivatives. Scholars review their knowledge of the applications of derivatives from the unit. They work on a set of practice problems to test their understanding.
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - L'Hopital's Rule
Direct substitution fails. Now what? The seventh of eight videos in Unit 4 - Contextual Applications looks at L'Hopital's rule. Scholars learn to take the derivative of both the numerator and denominator of a function when substitution...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Approximating a Function's Value Using Local Linearity
No need to be exact every time. Pupils watch an engaging video on approximating function values. They see how to write the equation of a tangent line, use it to calculate approximations, and then determine whether it is an overestimate...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Solving Related Rates Problems
A solution to a lack of resources on related rates awaits. Viewers of an educational video learn how to solve related rates problems. They build on their prior experience of related rates to write equations for contextual situations,...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Introduction to Related Rates
Here's a video for those who can relate to being confused about related rates. The fourth of eight lessons in Unit 4 - Contextual Applications looks at related rates. Individuals learn to write equations that show a relationship between...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Straight-Line Motion: Connecting Position, Velocity, and Acceleration
Move the video on motion to the front of the line. The second of eight lessons in Unit 4 - Contextual Applications looks at straight-line motion. Scholars learn how position, velocity, and acceleration are related by derivatives before...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Calculating Higher-Order Derivatives
Derivatives are so fun that sometimes one wants to take the derivative multiple times. The sixth of seven installments in Unit 3 - Differentiation focuses on finding higher-order derivatives. After learning about the notation, scholars...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Selecting Procedures for Derivatives
Don't get lost trying to memorize all those derivative rules. Scholars review the different methods at their disposal to determine derivatives from Units 2 and 3. They fill out a graphic organizer and then complete a set of practice...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC Unit 3 Review: Differentiation
It's time to take stock of the class's knowledge of derivatives. Individuals review how to take the derivatives of composite, implicit, and inverse functions. They complete some problems involving the Chain Rule, implicit...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Differentiating Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Differentiating inverse trigonometric functions is quite different from applying the skill inverse functions. Scholars learn how to differentiate inverse trigonometric functions in the fourth of seven video installments in Unit 3 -...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Differentiating Inverse Functions
Reverse any loss of knowledge on inverse functions. Individuals watch a video to learn about differentiating inverse functions. They memorize the rule, then see how to apply it in finding derivatives and determining equations of tangent...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - Implicit Differentiation
It's implied that implicit differentiation is important. Viewers of an engaging video learn the process of implicit differentiation. After watching several examples, they see how to apply implicit differentiation to find the vertical and...
Flipped Math
Calculus AB/BC - The Chain Rule
Unshackle oneself from the burden of not understanding derivatives. The first of seven lessons in Unit 3 - Differentiation looks at the Chain Rule. By watching a video, scholars learn when to apply the rule and how to use it to determine...
College Board
2010 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions Form B
Most say that practice makes perfect. Scholars use the released free-response questions to practice for the AP® Calculus AB exam. Each question comes with several parts and either do or do not allow calculators. Items include topics such...
College Board
2005 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions Form B
Grab a peak inside the test. The 2005 free-response questions from the AP® Calculus exam allow learners to see how topics appear on the tests. Topics cover differential equations, bounded areas, particle motion, and slopes of tangent lines.
College Board
2004 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions Form B
The test is not all about skills. The six free-response questions contain two real-world application problems. Those items deal with populations and velocities. The other four questions ask pupils to show their knowledge of calculus...
College Board
2002 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions Form B
Become better at the test concepts. An educational resource presents six free-response questions from the AP® Calculus AB exam. Pupils use the items to practice the content, which contains concepts ranging from particle motion to ships...
College Board
2003 AP® Calculus AB Free-Response Questions Form B
Get a better grasp of the intended content. The six free-response questions provide insight into the purpose of the AP® Calculus content. Two questions have real-world context while the remaining are void of context. The items range from...
College Board
AP Calculus: Slope Fields
Ready to field questions about slope fields? An article on AP® Calculus teaching methods describes how to teach about slope fields to solve differential equations. It gives some sample problems to consider with the class and how to...
College Board
Calculus at the Battle of Trafalgar
All's fair in math and war. Scholars examine the Battle of Trafalgar using calculus. They set up and solve a system of differential equations to determine the number of ships remaining in each fleet over time.