Unit Plan
Core Knowledge Foundation

Fighting for a Cause Tell It Again!™ Read-Aloud Anthology

For Teachers 2nd Standards
A read-aloud anthology highlights the essential contributions of activists Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mary McLeod Bethune, Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., and Cesar Chavez. Scholars listen to stories,...
Lesson Plan
Project Tahoe

Individual Rights vs. The Greater Good Within the Scope of War

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
When, if ever, is the government justified in restricting individual rights? When, if ever, should the "greater good" trump individual rights? To prepare to discuss this hot-button topic, class members examine primary source documents,...
Unit Plan
Roald Dahl

The BFG Lesson Plans

For Teachers 3rd - 7th Standards
A 55-page unit examines the novel, The BFG, by Roald Dahl. Six lessons pay close attention to friendship, dreams, and believing themes while analyzing interesting characters, writing creative vocabulary, smilies, metaphors, an exciting...
Unit Plan
Echoes & Reflections

The Children and Legacies Beyond the Holocaust

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Using video testimony, primary source documents that detail international agreements, and structured discussions, learners consider the precarious position of children during the Holocaust and other international conflicts, and how to...
Lesson Plan
Stanford University

Observing Human Rights Day

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
How much intervention is appropriate for America to take in cases of human rights violations? Class members ponder a question that has lingered since the birth of America with a series of primary sources that reflect the degree to which...
US Institute of Peace

Simulation on The Cambodia Peace Settlement

For Students 9th - Higher Ed Standards
Can there be peace in Cambodia? Immerse your class in a realistic negotiation setting during a riveting simulation. Learners assume the roles of key players in a group sparring with an opposing group to try to achieve peace in the midst...
Lesson Plan

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
What rights are guaranteed to students? Do they align with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was approved by the United Nations in 1948? Middle and high schoolers present persuasive arguments about the rights they believe...
Lesson Plan
Stanford University

Civil Rights or Human Rights?

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
Young citizens consider the American civil rights movement as part of the global struggle for human rights. After using a timeline activity to learn about the major events in the civil rights movement, class members study Malcolm X's...
Lesson Plan
Advocates for Human Rights

The Rights of the Child

For Teachers 8th - 12th
Don't be fooled by the size of the resource: these few pages provide the blueprint for a substantial, thoughtful unit on children's rights and the different philosophies and approaches that the United States and other countries have...
Unit Plan
Advocates for Human Rights

A Teaching Guide on Local and Global Transitional Justice

For Students 9th - Higher Ed Standards
The Road to Peace introduces learners to the concept of transitional justice, a process where nations examine the causes of conflict, identify abuses, and use this information to develop a plan to transition to a society that upholds...
Unit Plan
Amnesty International

Hotel Rwanda Teacher's Guide

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
Here is the comprehensive, official educator's guide for presenting Hotel Rwanda and the story of the Rwandan genocide in 1994 to a classroom environment. It includes a range of exceptional hands-on or discussion activities, as well as a...
Lesson Plan
University of Arkansas

Assessment and Discussion

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
"Without concerned citizen action to uphold them (human rights) close to home; we shall look in vain for progress in the larger world. . ." Eleanor Roosevelt's comment is used to set the stage for the conclusion of a five-lesson unit...
Lesson Plan
University of Arkansas

Our Responsibilities

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
The fourth in a five-instructional activity unit examining human rights and personal responsibility asks class groups to investigate a current rights issue, and using the provided graphic organizer, summarize the issue, consider which...
Lesson Plan
University of Arkansas

Individuals Making a Difference

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
The focus of this, the third in a five-activity unit study of human rights, is on individuals who made a difference. Billy Bowlegs, Dr. Sun Yat Sen, Fannie Lou Hamer, Michi Weglyn, and Yuri Koshiyama are some of the people class members...
Lesson Plan
Personal Genetics Education Project

DNA, Crime and Law Enforcement

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Civil rights meets biotechnology in a instructional activity that scrutinizes the collection of DNA of citizens who have been arrested, but not yet convicted of a crime. Real-life cases are examined in which the DNA of a relative was...
Lesson Plan
Personal Genetics Education Project

Genetics and Reproduction

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Disease prevention or designer babies? Use a set of slides to introduce the growing practice of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD. Teens read related articles and then break into groups to address different scenarios. Afterward,...
Lesson Planet Article
Curated OER

Making the Branches of Government Relevant

For Teachers 5th - 7th
A discussion of the three branches of government can be a fascinating experience.
Curated OER

The Southern Freedom Movement: A Case study of how Social Movements Happen

For Teachers 9th - 12th
There are countless civil rights resources, but this one really stands out. Social movements as they relate to human or civil rights are completely discussed in the context of the Southern Freedom Movement. Slides contain connected or...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Civil Rights Video Essay

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students investigate a decade of American history when the civil rights movement was a focus of national attention. They create a video essay about a person or event that played an important role in shaping the civil rights movement.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Making a Case

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Start the day by sharing opinions about human rights. Then, read "A Defiant Hussein Pleads Not Guilty to Mass Execution" with your middle and high school class. Your pupils research the specific charges in the case against Saddam...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have A Dream" Speech

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Invite your class to investigate racism and civil rights by analyzing the great Dr. Martin Luther King's speech. Your learners will read the words from the "I Have a Dream" speech and analyze the political and racial overtones. They will...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Melba Pattillo and Ruby Bridges: Two Heroes of School Integration

For Teachers 3rd - 12th
Learners put themselves in the shoes of students who integrated Little Rock High School in 1957-58. Note: The primary resources in this activity provide powerful and poignant descriptions of what those students faced.
Lesson Planet Article
Curated OER

Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day in the Most Meaningful Way

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Lead your class on a journey into the Deep South so that they understand the true meaning of what inspired this holiday.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Qualifying to Vote Under Jim Crow

For Teachers 8th - 10th
Literacy tests, poll taxes, grandfather laws? Scholars study the systematic ways African-Americans were kept from voting even after it was made a law. They analyze a series of primary source documents, complete a worksheet, and engaged...