Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles


For Teachers K - 2nd
A lesson showcases the character trait of integrity. Scholars define the term, discuss how having integrity means being trustworthy, that one can choose to have integrity, and the significance of looking at situations from other...
Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles


For Teachers K - 2nd
A social-emotional lesson focuses on respect. Scholars define the term and puzzle out the word. Pupils give examples of respect they observe at home, at school, and in the community. Cards showcase scenarios in that participants identify...
Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles

Resolving Conflicts

For Teachers K - 2nd
A lesson about resolving conflicts guides young scholars through the process of identifying emotions and reflecting on the situation, all before taking action. The lesson encourages class members to stay open-minded and listen to the...
Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles


For Teachers K - 2nd
Young scholars practice cooperation by working together for a common cause. After a short demonstration, learners fill in a T-Chart describing how cooperation looks and sounds. Small groups work together to pick up tiny beads and put...
Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles


For Teachers K - 2nd
Encourage kindness with a activity that defines kindness, asks scholars how to show kindness, and share how others have shown them kindness. Multiple activities prove that kindness is easy to give through coloring, storytelling, a game...
Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles


For Teachers K - 2nd
A lesson uses a stop light to assist young scholars in using self-control. After the class defines self-control and how it boosts responsibility and independence, they practice a breathing exercise to reflect on their behavior. Learners...
Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles

Coping Skills

For Teachers K - 2nd
A lesson brings awareness to a variety of emotions. After discussing the many types of emotions, scholars create a list sorting emotions as easy and hard and then brainstorm coping skills. Pupils draw a picture depicting a scenario that...
Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles


For Teachers K - 2nd
Fairness is the subject of a lesson designed to boost relationship skills and social awareness. Class members discuss that fairness is getting what you need when needed, differences are okay, and review classroom rules to identify their...
Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles


For Teachers K - 2nd Standards
Young scholars boost communication skills with a lesson that explores what it looks like to listen with the whole body. Through modeling and practice, pupils observe what it looks like and then practice. A friendly game of "Simon Says"...
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Management Exercise: Goal Setting

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
Boost self-management skills with a sports-themed prompt that challenges scholars to reflect on their goals, choose one, and make a plan to achieve it. 
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Awareness Exercise: Accurate Self-Perception

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
Scholars think to themselves about what is something that they are good at and what makes them a good person. A prompt asks them to reflect on their feelings when they think of their positive attributes.
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Management Exercise: Self-Motivation

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
Encourage self-motivation with an activity that allows scholars to reflect on their challenges and set goals to better them. A script prompts pupils to listen to the Can-Do Coach inside them. An inspiring statement reminds participants...
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Awareness Exercise: Recognizing Strengths

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
Learners think of something they're good at and reflect on how they feel about it. Pupils then think of ways to be even better at it and set a mental goal to practice.
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Management Exercise: Managing Stress

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
An exercise offers young scholars a coping skill to manage stress or other strong emotions. Learners identify the emotion, focus on how their body feels physically, then pretend they are holding a balloon over their heads, blow their...
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Awareness Exercise: Building Self-Confidence

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
Encourage scholars to build self-confidence by giving themselves a "word hug." Learners calm and focus their bodies to reflect on how they feel great, then provide a mental it verbal pep talk listing the positives that came to mind.  
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Management Exercise: Impulse Control

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
A coping skill helps to manage emotions. Young scholars pretend they are a remote control. When they feel strongly about something, they pause their actions, take a deep breath, reflect, and press play to get back to what they were doing.
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Mindful Self-Awareness Exercise: Identifying Feelings

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
Young scholars identify feelings through facial expressions and body language. Learners listen for a feeling word, then act it out and discuss how they portrayed it.
Lions Clubs International Foundation

I Can Keep Calm

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
Strong emotions may arise at anytime and any where. This activity boosts self-awareness and management for when young learners require assistance with their feelings. Tips include: remaining calm, breathing, explaining how they feel, and...
Lions Clubs International Foundation

Introduction to Mindful Breathing

For Parents Pre-K - 2nd
Ten minutes are all you need for a breathing exercise designed to bring calm and focus. Young scholars get their wiggles out, then shift their gaze and belly breath, paying close attention to how they physically feel.
Lesson Plan
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art

Can Girls Do That?

For Teachers K - 12th Standards
Why be limited by stereotypes? Young scholars examine a series of works of art, list the different ways boys and girls are represented, and then discuss the common stereotypes found in the works. They then search for art that does not...
Lesson Plan
Health Smart Virginia

Making Partners

For Teachers K
Partnering with someone new may be daunting. Here a lesson encourages young peers to work collaboratively in physical activity settings. Following a whole-class discussion, scholars participate in several cooperative activities that...
Lesson Plan
Health Smart Virginia

Taking Turns

For Teachers K
Scholars work cooperatively, taking turns, to boost peer relationships and fairness. Rotating through five stations, players practice tossing, bouncing, push-ups, and working together to clean up fallen equipment, then rate their...
Lesson Plan
Health Smart Virginia

How Are You Feeling Today?

For Teachers K
A presentation guides a thoughtful discussion about identifying emotions. Slide-by-slide, scholars answer questions and offer details about specific feelings. A worksheet challenges class members to draw facial expressions and describe...
Lesson Plan
Health Smart Virginia

Social Emotional Skills

For Teachers K
Nine activities boost social-emotional competencies. Read through the list and choose what best fits the needs of your class. Activities include thoughtful discussions, creating posters, listening to a read-aloud, and more!