Olathe Public Schools

Forces, Net Forces & Acceleration

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Pass along the knowledge of the great Sir Isaac Newton with this worksheet on the laws of motion. Including three separate problems, each involving multiple parts and calculations, this resource is a great way to monitor students'...
Lesson Plan

Kinematics: The Gravity Lab

For Teachers 4th - 12th Standards
Falling objects can be brutal if you don't protect your noodle! Scholars explore the motion of falling objects through measuring short intervals to determine if the distance traveled varies with time. Building off of this, scholars...
Curated OER

Gravity WS II

For Students 10th - 12th
In this gravity activity, students solve four problems including calculating masses of planets, determining forces of asteroids on traveling spaceships, and determining the altitude where the acceleration of gravity is equal to a given...
Curated OER

Unit V: Worksheet 3 - Constant Force

For Students 9th - 12th
Force equals mass times acceleration. Physics whizzes apply this formula to six different diagrams, solving eight acceleration problems in all. This is a practical assignment, perfect for homework when practicing Newton's second law of...
Curated OER

Why Do Things Fall?

For Students 6th - 8th
In this universal gravitation worksheet, students fill in the blanks to complete sentences with 11 given terms about gravity, inertia, acceleration, mass and force. Students also answer 7 questions about mass, weight and force.
Curated OER

Fuel Level in a Spherical Tank

For Students 11th - Higher Ed
In this spherical tanks and fuel level learning exercise, students are given a diagram showing the effects of gravity or acceleration on the level of fuel in a spherical tank. Students solve 3 problems including finding the general...
Curated OER

Force and Acceleration

For Students 7th - 10th
In this force and acceleration worksheet, students solve 3 problems about moving objects, the forces working against them, the mass and their acceleration. Students determine if 6 statements about a falling elephant and a falling feather...
Curated OER

Unit VII Energy: WS 3a Energy Transfer and Storage

For Students 9th - 12th
Here is a nifty worksheet on energy transfer. Physics fanatics analyze a diagram and state whether or not friction is involved. They sketch bar graphs and draw energy flow diagrams for each system as well. Circular motion, movement up...
Curated OER

Unit VI: Worksheet 1 - Constant Force/Gravitational Force

For Students 9th - 12th
Seven problems regarding gravitational pull are presented in this physics drill. Pupils solve for displacement, time, speed, and acceleration. Critical thinking and problem solving skills are both required to complete the assignment. 
Curated OER

Unit V: Worksheet 1 - Constant Force

For Students 9th - 12th
In a force diagram, a stick figure man in an elevator takes a ride. Physics analysts work out the force exerted on him by the elevator floor. As the acceleration changes, they draw new force diagrams and compute new force values. This...
Curated OER

Typical Numeric Questions for Physics I - Forces

For Students 7th - 12th
Let's get moving! Newton juniors solve 19 problems using force, speed, and acceleration equations. This is a nifty worksheet that includes a few diagrams and multiple choice selections for each question. It provides the straightforward...
Curated OER

The Oscillation Period of Gaseous Spheres

For Students 9th - 12th
In this oscillation period worksheet, students read about how the force of gravity effects the oscillation of bodies. Students use two given formulas to identify the oscillation period of the sun, the Earth and a neutron star.
Curated OER

Newton: Force and Motion

For Students 9th - 12th
In this forces activity, students use the equations for acceleration and Newton's second law to learn about different motions and forces. This activity has 7 problems to solve.
Curated OER

How Fast is "Fast"?

For Students 5th - 11th
In this movement learning exercise, students will complete 5 sentences by filling in the blank with vocabulary words associated with movement: acceleration, gravity, and speed. Then students will be given 3 units of measurement and they...
Curated OER

Unit VIII: Worksheet 3 - Central Force

For Students 9th - 12th
Beginning physicists imagine being aerospace engineers by solving seven centripetal force problems. They calculate the work, speed, time, and acceleration of objects in orbit: a satellite around Earth, and Earth around the sun. This is a...
Curated OER

Physics of Flight

For Students 7th - 12th
In this flight worksheet, students will review the physics behind flight including lift, acceleration, and thrust. Students will also understand the Bernoulli effect. This worksheet has 6 true or false, 6 short answer, and 8 matching...
Curated OER

Newton's Second Law

For Students 9th - 12th
In this Newton's second law worksheet, students read about force, mass and acceleration and how they relate. They solve eighteen problems using Newton's second law.
Curated OER

IPC Physics Vocabulary Review

For Students 10th - Higher Ed
In this physics review learning exercise, students review vocabulary words associated with speed, acceleration, Newton's Laws and simple machines, work and energy, magnetism, electricity, and harmonic motion and light. This learning...
Curated OER

Motion Crossword Puzzle

For Students 7th - 9th
For this motion worksheet, students complete a crossword puzzle given 11 clues related to rate, acceleration, force of gravity and velocity. They also complete a puzzle where they unscramble 11 words related to motion to solve for a...
Curated OER

Space Shuttle Launch Trajectory-I

For Students 9th - 11th
In this space shuttle launch worksheet, students are given 2 equations used to determine the space shuttle's trajectory in the first 5 minutes of a launch. Students use these equations to solve 3 problems including finding the shuttle's...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER


For Teachers 9th - 11th
In this forces worksheet, young scholars read about force and acceleration. They complete a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast balanced and unbalanced forces, they answer questions about a diagram of a tug-a-war and the forces acting...
Curated OER

Gravity Study Guide

For Students 9th - 12th
In this gravity worksheet, students define terms such as free fall, terminal velocity, and inertia. Then students compare the different types of forces that act upon objects. This worksheet has 9 short answer and 4 fill in the blank...
Curated OER

Why Do Things Fall?

For Students 9th - 10th
In this science worksheet, students complete a paragraph using 15 given terms. For example, "How can a spring be used to measure force?"
Edmond Public Schools

8th Grade Science Resource Book: Unit 2 - Physics

For Students 8th Standards
Get things moving with this extensive collection of physical science resources. Covering the fundamentals of measurement, graphing, lab safety, and experimental design as well as the specific scientific concepts of velocity,...

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