Lesson Plan
Mr Gym


For Teachers 3rd - 9th
This is not your typical soccer activity. The basic rules of soccer are used with some flag football adaptations thrown in. When the ball is on the ground, play by the standard soccer rules, but when the ball goes into the air, a player...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Mass Soccer

For Teachers 3rd - 9th
Divide the class up so there are five players on each team. Then scatter enough cones for soccer goals. Each team needs to have offensive players who will dribble and pass the soccer ball and try to score on all the other teams. They...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Mass Basketball

For Teachers 3rd - 12th
Form six teams, each with a basketball, beanbags, and pinnies. The goal of this game is to score a basket at each of your opponents' baskets, and to guard your own basket to prevent your opponents from scoring. Each team will have...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Spider Web

For Teachers 2nd - 12th
Create a spider web between two poles and have your class get from one side of the web to the other without touching the web. There are four different suggested levels of play. The rules of each level guide how the players need to get...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Toilet Tag

For Teachers K - 6th
Don't let the name of this game throw you off because kids will love this tag game! Start off with a couple of players being "it". When they tag a player, the player must kneel on one knee with the other one up, and one arm straight out...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Aerial Soccer

For Teachers K - 6th
Take a look at this game! It sounds like so much fun. Players throw soft balls at a large ball that is suspended on a rope between two basketball hoops. The goal is to throw the smaller soft balls at and hit the larger ball to propel it...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Cheese Movers

For Teachers 3rd - 9th
This is a big dodgeball game. The cats line up on the sidelines of the basketball court. The mice line up on one endline of the basketball court. The mice want to get the cheese from one end of the court to the other and then back....
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Parachute Skills

For Teachers K - 6th
Flutter, dome, mushroom, tent, jell-o, popcorn, volcano, floating cloud, and mashed potatoes. What do these terms have in common? They are all things to do in a parachute activity. Check out this activity, the pictures included with the...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym


For Teachers 3rd - 10th
Knots is a cooperative team-building activity and is appropriate for many ages. Players join hands according to the guidelines and then try to maneuver themselves to get untangled. It takes patience and communication to figure out how to...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Square Dance

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Great lesson on teaching some of the basics of square dancing. Ten basic moves are listed and described. The descriptions of these square dance moves are clearly explained. There are several pictures to show what a few of these moves...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Hit and Switch

For Teachers 5th - 12th
This activity sounds like a great warm-up or drill for your volleyball players. All the players start on one side of a line, once they bump the ball to another player, they cross the line and wait. The goal is to bump the ball to players...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Basketball Chicken Fights

For Teachers 3rd - 12th
The goal in this activity is to maintain control dribbling one's own basketball while trying to knock away another players basketball. The last player standing, wins. This activity will definitely help young learners practice dribbling...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Mini Soccer

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
Practice all of those soccer skills you just taught in one fun activity. Divide the class into two teams. Each team then divides itself into three equal parts: goalies, fullbacks, and forwards. There are three soccer balls in play at the...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Hamburger Press

For Teachers 2nd - 6th
Hamburger Press is an activity that is definitely based on cooperation. Players need to communicate and work together to increase the number of hamburger patties they can press between them. Use cut-up pieces of swim noodles for the...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Street Alleys

For Teachers K - 6th
Streets and alleys is a cat and mouse game wherein the cat is chasing and trying to capture the mouse. The fun part of this game is that the streets can turn in to alleys and the alleys can turn in to streets. This can be at times...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Knock It Off

For Teachers 1st - 5th
Give each player something small and lightweight to balance on the back of his hand. Then let players move around the room to try and knock the objects off the other players' hand. If their object is knocked off, or even falls off, they...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Pirate Ball

For Teachers 3rd - 9th
Pirate ball is much like the game of capture the flag. Each team has a vault area that contains a treasure chest. There is a dungeon where captured enemy pirates are detained. In this game of pirate ball there are four teams competing to...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Field Dodge Ball

For Teachers 4th - 9th
Set up two teams, one in the field throwing the ball, and the other who will be running through the field to try to score a run. The running team forms two lines behind an endline and the first player in line must run across the field...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Soccer Round-Up

For Teachers 3rd - 10th
Round-up as many soccer balls for your team as possible. Hula-Hoops are scattered about equal distance from the center spot. The older the players, the farther away the Hula-Hoops should be from the center spot. There should be enough...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Clean House

For Teachers K - 12th
Here is a game that can be played by any age level. Just make some small modifications appropriate for your grade level. The premise of the game is to have the fewest balls on your side when the whistle blows to end the game. So given...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Shoot Out

For Teachers 3rd - 12th
Shoot Out is a quick-paced practice for shooting baskets. Each team has six players, each with an assigned number. These numbers are used to assign roles during the activity. There are three roles: shooters, rebounders, and scorekeepers....
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Knock Out

For Teachers 3rd - 12th
Here is a fun and fast-paced game of shooting baskets. This game uses two basketballs and a line of players at the free-throw line. Player 1 shoots at the basket and tries to make a basket before player 2 makes a basket. If player 1...
Mr Gym


For Teachers 1st - 9th
Touchdown is a tag game built around stealth and deception. One team is given a small object that fits inside the palm of a hand. Players start at one end of the field and try to get the hidden object across the field to the other...
Lesson Plan
Mr Gym

Double Tunnel Tag

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
Double tunnel tag is just the same as tunnel tag but the players are now with a partner. This poses it's own challenges when running around and trying to avoid being tagged. The only difference from tunnel tag is that when a player is...