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This A Teacher's Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Poems by Robert Frost A Boy’s Will and North of Boston study guide also includes:
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Here's a must-have guide for instructors who use Robert Frost's poems in their classes. The 24-page guide focuses on poems included in Frost's first two volumes of poems, background information on the poet, and what Frost thought was an appropriate approach to teaching poetry. The guide includes before, during, and after reading activities, discussion questions for specific poems, and suggestions for organizing poetry reader response circles.
Instructional Ideas
- Provide groups with the modeling discussion questions for the poems they have chosen to discuss
Classroom Considerations
- Groups require devices with internet access and copies of Frost's first two poetry collections, A Boy's Will and North of Boston
- Includes links to valuable online resources
- Class members get to select the poems they want to explore
- Groups are based on pupils who chose the same poems to explore
- None
Common Core
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