
Action Words

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

From asking to yelling, this app teaches action verbs through images. Users listen to each word and tap the picture that corresponds with that verb. Just touch the screen to get started!

Pre-K - 8th English Language Arts 57 Views 32 Downloads
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App Overview

The idea of the app is straightforward: match a verb with an image of the action. The ease of use, variety of images, and content flexibility makes this useful for teaching young children, English learners, and pupils with special needs. 

Customization Options:

Tap the gear on the home page to access all of these options.

  • Turn individual words on and off
  • Add new concepts
  • Choose particular practice sets to narrow the scope; view each set by tapping on customize pictures
  • Add or remove preloaded images
  • Record your own voice in any language; this will play as the narration during the game
  • Turn the sounds on and off
  • Activate labels; if you do this, the word will appear along with the images
  • Turn animated transitions on and off
  • Reset the entire app


  • Over 500 colorful photographs
  • Over 100 action verbs
  • Players can keep trying until they get the correct answer
  • Words are grouped by difficulty level and will adapt to the user
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Instructional Ideas

Provide this for new readers and English learners. The audio and images provide effective scaffolding for learning new vocabulary.

Focus in on particular words and concepts by customizing the images and verbs. This way, you can target a few verbs rather than overwhelming a learner with words.

Since this app has only one function, it could be a quick filler activity for individuals or the whole class. Put the images up on the projector and make a game. Who can identify the correct image first? Class members only need to play for a minute to reap the benefits of this learning tool.

Classroom Considerations

The purpose is to aid learners with action verbs. Once pupils have mastered the material, there won't be much use for the app.

  • Quick and intuitive way to learn actions verbs
  • Customizable
  • Safe and appropriate for children of all ages
  • None