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Lesson Planet
This Black Americans in Congress Speak Their Mind lesson plan also includes:
- Quotations
- Quotations
- Activity
- Worksheet
- Activity
- Worksheet
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To conclude their study of Black Americans in Congress, groups select a statement made by one of the Members, examine the Member's profile on the provided link, and create a display that includes state represented, years of service, an analysis of a statement made, and career highlights.
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Instructional Ideas
- Add the posters to the other exhibits developed during the unit
- Include the unit during February's Black History Month
Classroom Considerations
- Presumes class members know how to differentiate between statements of fact and opinions
- The final lesson in a seven-part unit
- Participants must have access to computers with internet
- Requires copies of the Historical Quotations handout and the Quote Analysis worksheet
- Challenges groups to distinguish between facts and opinions in the quotation
- No rubric is included
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