Unit Plan

Composting: Why Bother?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Composting: Why Bother? unit plan also includes:

The first STEM lesson in a group of 10 explores composting. After discussing how to make a better tomorrow, classes are challenged to track garbage in their communities, visit a local waste management facility, and conduct a survey about waste. They then create a compost bin, as a competition within their class, to see who creates the most decomposed compost in three months. 

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • If 10-12 weeks are not available, teachers can chunk the lesson and use desired portions in order to meet standards in less time
Classroom Considerations
  • An extensive amount of time is needed to complete this activity: one full week followed by 2-3 days/week for 11 more weeks
  • Consider where to build the compost bins to minimize odor and infestations
  • Lesson provides differentiated instructional tips for English language learners, gifted pupils, and resource learners
  • A peer assessment scoring guide provides teachers with a way to assess pairs/groups learning
  • Lesson uses technology through related apps
  • None
Common Core