
Going SmokeFree Matters: Casinos

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Everyone has the right to a smokefree workplace, but those who work in casinos are exposed to so much secondhand smoke that they can suffer the same ailments as heavy smokers themselves. Learn more about the effects of secondhand smoke, as well as the one and only way to ensure a smokefree workplace, with an educational infographic.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Project onto the board as a writing prompt; have class members write to their local legislators about the importance of smokefree workplaces
  • Include in a health unit about cigarette smoking or a social studies lesson on the history of workers' rights
Classroom Considerations
  • Discusses casinos which are inaccessible to underage children, possibly making the resource less applicable to students
  • Best used as a digital resource as printing would use a lot of color
  • Addresses a concern that often goes unnoticed by the public
  • Includes health and legal implications of secondhand smoke
  • None