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Lesson Planet
A woman in a man's war, Maria Bochkareva led a battalion of females who pledged to fight for Russia unto the death. An informative video highlights the ways her international celebrity inspired other countrymen and women to sacrifice their lives until her execution by the Bolsheviks. By challenging gender norms and even the rising tide of communism, Bochkareva's story stimulates lively classroom conversation and debate.
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Instructional Ideas
- Use the video biography as part of a wider discussion of women's roles in World War I
- Offer the video to inform discussion on nationalism and patriotism, based on Bochkareva's actions during World War I
Classroom Considerations
- Learners may need background on the Russia Revolution and Russia's role in World War I to use all the information in the video
- This video is hosted on YouTube
- Highlights the role of women in a male-dominated series about the war
- Intriguing photos and Bochkareva's writings hold learners' interest
- None
Common Core
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