Instructional Video

On This Day: Constitution Day

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Constitution Day celebrates the evolving principles that guide our nation from 1789 all the way to today. The resource celebrates Constitution Day with an overview of the principles and laws that guide the government. Scholars see events throughout United States history that have been shaped by Constitutional values and how it has been changed over time with the addition of the Bill of Rights and further amendments. The video also shows clips of speeches from presidents and interviews with Supreme Court Justices. 

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Instructional Ideas
  • Have academics write short paragraphs on what they learned from the video 
  • Share the resource on Constitution Day to prompt a discussion 
Classroom Considerations
  • A free C-SPAN account is needed to access the resource, or use the following login credentials: Username: students, Password: C-SPANCLASSROOM

  • The footage uses primary sources to enhance pupils' engagement 
  • Video provides many examples of how people have interpreted the Constitution over the years 
  • None