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Lesson Planet
This Simulation on Peacekeeping in Kashmir: An American Choice activity also includes:
- Guide to Using Simulations
- Student Reference
- Activity
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Will the United States take a stand in the Kashmir conflict? A mock meeting of the minds examines a peace proposal between China, Pakistan, and India to determine if the United States should deploy troops to the area. Individuals take on the roles of key government figures and discuss a possible peacekeeping mission.
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Instructional Ideas
- Review an article about the conflict with your group to provide a starting point for student research
- Have pupils conduct brief meetings with sub-groups to ensure everyone is clear on their positions
Classroom Considerations
- Adjust the roles as needed depending upon the number of participants in the group
- The simulation is well-written and interesting
- Supplemental materials give important support to facilitators that are new to organizing large simulations
- Several of the resource links no longer work
Common Core
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