What kinds of evidence best support the points you make in a paper? Where can you find the evidence you need? This handout answers all these questions and more, including the difference between primary and secondary sources. You'll also learn how to use the evidence you've gathered in the papers you are assigned. It also provides links to handouts useful for other parts of the paper. This is directed to college students, but high school students will find all of the information useful, as well. It focuses somewhat on argumentative writing, but most of the information fits informative writing as well. W.9-10.1a claims/intro/org, W.9-10.1b claims/evid/aud, W.9-10.2b Strong Support, W.9-10.7 Research, W.9-10.8 Sources, SL.9-10.2 eval & integrate sources. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.1 and CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.9, RI.11-12.7 Eval Different Media/format, W.11-12.1a claims/intro/org, W.11-12.1b claims/evid/aud, W.11-12.2b Topic/support/aud, W.11-12.7 Research, W.11-12.8 Sources/Integrate/Cite, W.11-12.9 Analysis/Reflection/Research, SL.11-12.2 Eval&Integrate sources
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Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 3 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
- The intended use for this resource is Instructional
Common Core
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