Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
Winston Churchill is a larger-than-life figure, designated by the BBC as the most important figure of the twentieth century. Yet, his political career began long before World War II, and it was marked with failure. A well-rounded biography has viewers consider the man behind the legend and looks at his checkered role during World War I.
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Instructional Ideas
- Use the video for background information or to connect World War I and World War II
- After viewing the biography, have young historians evaluate the role Churchill's failures played in building his political career
Classroom Considerations
- One installment of the larger Who Did What in World War I? video biography series
- This video is hosted on YouTube
- Contextualizes Churchill's life before World War II
- Engaging narrator and intriguing photographs keep students' attention
- Video is very detailed and may lose the attention of some class members
Common Core
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