More Testimonials

I discovered Lesson Planet while looking for information on natural resources to modified for my special needs students. The information was wonderful and has lead to many activities that I can modify and adapt to meet the needs of my students and help them understand.

Sarah M.
Leonardtown, MD
Lesson Planet has been very valuable lesson planning tool.

Pat W.
Aurora, IL
Lesson Planet has been useful in providing activities and lesson plans for students.

Geraldine P.
Hollandale, MS
Lesson Planet has helped me tremendously. I don't have to spend hours of time designing the right lesson plans for my students. Now I can search the website and find interesting and well designed plans for my students!

Nicole P.
Gurnee, IL
As a first year teacher Lesson Planet was an incrediable help. I could see what other teachers had done to give me ideas. The time guidelines, materials needed and resource information gave me guidance in structuring my own plans. Many of the plans are well laid out and were very usable, which was a great time saver.

Carolyn M.
Aiken, SC
Lesson Planet has been a tremendous help in locating extra resources at the right time.

Pamela J.
Lexington, MS
The variety, the grade level, and the quality of the different lessons has made it much easier to keep my students engaged in the lessons on a number of topics in both biology and chemistry at the high school level. Differentiated instruction is part of daily lesson planning - Lesson Planet has faciitated my ability to reach all of my students in these courses while maintaining rigor and relevance for all of the students, regardless of their learning style and abilities.

Susan C.
Islamorada, FL
Lesson Planet is amazing... I have found so many worksheets for my kids....

Nishakhat K.
Miami, FL
Lesson Planet is the place I turn to for new and fun ways to teach!

Angela K.
Brooklyn, NY
Lesson Planet helps me tremendously.

Carla W.
Hartsdale, NY
Lesson Planet is very beneficial in helping me save time in planning.

Yolanda D.
Chicago, Ill
Lesson Planet makes lesson planning quicker allowing me to focus on instruction.

Theresa N.
Scottsdale, AZ
Lesson Planet saves me time and money - finding and printing out what I need.

Patricia F.
Beltsville, MD
Lesson Planet has been a wonderful resource.

Shanelle B.
Grenada, MS
Lesson Planet has helped me become more creative in planning.

Shannon O.
Chicago, IL
I am a student teacher at the University of Houston and Lesson Planet has been extremely helpful in assisting me with lesson plan ideas.

Maxine O.
Sugar Land, TX
Lesson Planet has been great for finding great lesson ideas. If I can't find exactly what I need I'm usually able to find something I can modify to suit my class perfectly.

Taryna W.
With Lesson Planet, lesson planning is much more efficient.

Susan S.
Stonington, CT
I teach the gifted program in our school and there is no curriculum to use. The lessons I find through Lesson Planet have helped me create and add to units I have started.

Jamie C.
Concord, GA
Lesson Planet has helped me greatly, I have used many of the lessons. My students love them, thanks

Idalia S.
Bronx, NY
Lesson planet has helped to save my life many times!!...finding lesson plans, activities, worksheets, and so much more! Thank you!!

Marissa C.
Chicago, IL
Lesson Planet has given me ideas in regards to classroom activities. It has helped me with assessing my students.

Stepahnie P.
Oceanside, NY
Lesson Planet has helped give me fun and different views on my lessons and activities!

Michelle P.
Bradyville, TN
Lesson Planet has been helping me a lot in every aspect. Thank you very much!

Nela C.
Brooklyn, NY
Even though I don't use the lesson plans as they are exactly, the plans that I find through this site get me started. As a new teacher, this is very helpful!

Jaime E.
McMinnville, TN
Lesson Planet has been great. I can get so many more ideas.

Sheryl H.
Scotia, NE
Lesson Planet offers access to so many lessons which saves me a great deal of time on planning.

Jamie M.
Kosciusko, MS
Lesson plans are so much easier to write with all the ideas I get from Lesson Planet. As a student teacher I really appreciate the ideas and experience I can get from other teachers.

Jesenia R.
Lakeland, FL
Lesson Planet has helped with creativity for higher order thinking skills.

Kristinn H.
Orange, TX
I teach gifted students, and need to enrich the basic curriculum to meet their unique needs. Lesson Planet helps me find tons of good plans and worksheets that help me go beyond the basics.

Patricia H.
Dade City, FL

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