American Museum of Natural History

Web of Life Game

For Students 6th - 12th
Get caught in a web of learning. Classmates play a game to build a web to model the interaction of species that live in a specific ecosystem. They each assume the role of one species and work together, passing a ball of twine to indicate...
American Museum of Natural History

The Tree of Life

For Students 6th - 12th
Groups of species can have more in common than meets the eye. An interactive cladogram shows some of the connections between important groups of species. Learners click on sections of the diagram to learn more about the connections or on...
American Museum of Natural History

What do You Know About Marine Biology

For Students 6th - 12th
Show me what you know about the sea. Learners answer 10 questions about marine biology. The questions range from what evidence points to the origin of life to the biggest threat to oceans.
American Museum of Natural History

Find My Plankton Baby Picture

For Students 6th - 12th
Get a better understanding of babies in the sea. The class learns about the two kinds of plankton. They then determine the baby pictures of eight marine animals given a picture of the adult and some hints about the larvae. When scholars...
American Museum of Natural History

Dive Into Worlds Within the Sea

For Students 6th - 12th
Make connections between ocean organisms. Individuals explore three different ecosystems in the ocean. With an online interactive, they learn how different organisms depend upon each other. Learners first answer questions to connect...
American Museum of Natural History

Journey to the Bottom of the Sea

For Students 6th - 12th
Follow the path to the sea floor. Pupils play an online interactive board game to reach the bottom of the sea. Participants must match descriptions of creatures to a property of water dealing with oxygen, food, light, or density to move...
American Museum of Natural History

What's This? Frozen Tissue

For Students 6th - 12th
Take a peek into thousands of frozen samples. Learners try to identify an image of a piece of frozen tissue. After choosing the correct answer, scholars find out more information about the American Museum of Natural History's Frozen...
American Museum of Natural History

What's the Big Idea About Genetics?

For Students 6th - 12th
Here's a quick read on genetics. An engaging online resource provides six slides of information about genetics. Learners read about the meaning of genetics to information about DNA. They also learn about the study of genes and the...
American Museum of Natural History

What Do You Know About Genetics?

For Students 6th - 12th
Just what do you know about genetics? The online resource contains 10 questions about genetics. Scholars work through the questions ranging from what DNA stands for to how much of human DNA is similar to that of a fruit fly. Scholars...
American Museum of Natural History

Differentiate! The Stem Cell Card Game

For Students 6th - 12th
Let the games grow. Groups play a card game to grow cells. Players start growing cells from stem cells to create specialized cells in the human body. Learners use full-grown cells from the human body to create stem cells in the lab to...
American Museum of Natural History

A Nature and Nurture Walk in Mendel Park

For Students 6th - 12th
We are what we make of ourselves ... sometimes. Learners play a game to come up with the answer to a riddle. The game consists of determining whether different scenarios are due to nature or nature and nurture. With each correct answer,...
Instructional Video1:47
Corbett Maths


For Students 6th - 12th Standards
Reciprocals is more than just flipping a fraction. Pupils watch a video to see how to find the reciprocal of any number. Individuals practice finding reciprocals of numbers including whole numbers and decimals.
Instructional Video1:04
Corbett Maths

Increasing or Decreasing by a Fraction of a Quantity

For Students 6th - 12th
Calculate fractional changes in numbers. Pupils watch a short video on determining the cost of a shirt after it has been reduced by a fractional amount. Scholars use worksheets to practice calculating increased and decreased amounts.
Instructional Video1:41
Corbett Maths

Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
Mix things up a little to be improper. The presenter shows three example of changing a mixed number to an equivalent improper fraction. Scholars work several practice problems and application questions to refine the process.
Instructional Video2:33
Corbett Maths

Simplifying Fractions

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
Put fractions in simpler terms. Learners watch a video showing how to simplifying fractions. They then work through two worksheets to practice the skill.
Instructional Video1:25
Corbett Maths

Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers

For Students 6th - 12th Standards
What's the proper way to convert fractions? A short video shows three quick examples of converting an improper fraction to a mixed number. Pupils practice doing their own conversions to better understand the skill.